Welcome to How to Earn Daisy Badges

I have been my younger daughter’s Girl Scout leader since 2008, when I started my troop of six little Daisy Scouts. Like many leaders, I felt a bit overwhelmed when I first started, even though I had been an elementary school and preschool teacher since 1987. My leadership training was practically non-existent, and the internet did not have many resources available. Every time I had a meeting, I had to create my own lesson plan on how to go about it.

As a teacher for over three decades, I have been planning activities for children for my entire career...long before you could do an online search on how to do something.  When I attended my monthly Service Unit meetings, I spoke with other Daisy leaders who did not have my professional background. They felt a bit lost as to what to do and where to start.

How to Earn Girl Scout Daisy Badges-Meeting Plans for Every Badge

Image created by the author in Canva

That is why I started my original Girl Scout blogGirl Scout Leader, in January of 2010. I wanted to reach out to other leaders and help them as we traveled on this wonderful leader journey together. Over time, my blog evolved as my troop grew older. It is like an online diary of what my girls have done since kindergarten!

In the past two years, the GSUSA has added 22 different badges for leaders to do with their troop! There are a lot of choices. I personally believe that the first year of Daisy Scouts should focus on the petals and the Promise Center. Badge work can be a great addition to second year leaders or as a change of pace meeting during the first year when you feel comfortable changing things up.

Because your life is so busy, I created these easy to use meeting plans so you can select the one you wish do, go through it, tweak it to meet your needs, and then have your meeting. I have removed the hours of internet and Pinterest searching for you, thereby streamlining your planning process.

How to Earn Girl Scout Daisy Badges-Meeting Plans for Every Badge
Image from Pixabay

The purpose of this blog is to make your life as a leader easier. Every single badge in the new program has its own page with a detailed lesson plan with the steps necessary to earn that particular Daisy badge. With ideas and resources readily at hand,  I hope you bookmark this site as your “go to” place for earning your Daisy badges. Less time planning means more time for you to enjoy the meeting instead of stressing about what to do and how to do it.

One more thing...it is okay to take two meetings to earn one badge. This is not a competition with other leaders as to who has more "stuff" on their vest or tunic. Earning badges is a learning experience, and it takes TIME to learn. Don't rush the process, enjoy it.

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